Greetings from Finland

Lakes are getting their ice cover
and a weather is mostly like in this photo.
Hopefully we will get soon some snow to make our landscapes lighter.
Otherwise - I am doing very well hoping you are well too :)

Sun rises 8:03 and sets 15:26. Length of day is 7 h 23 min.


Jordi Vargas said...

Eso que se parece ver en la foto son peces verdad, que pena da verlos así.
Un abrazo

Jan said...

Leena, you photo almost looks as if it was taken in Black and White. Your days are certainly getting shorter, but won't they be very long in the summer?

dot said...

It looks cold!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comments!
Yes, jan, our summer nights are light.
We should calculate a average value :)

Neva said...

What a pretty shot....but what a short day you have! All is good here....winter is coming slowly but surely!